Matthew 16:6
Christian Education is essential to maintain a healthy family and community life. It prepares our children to make good choices in their lives.
Each Sunday, with very few exceptions regular attendance is highly appreciated and encouraged. The children of St. Peter church gather from 10:30 a.m. until 12 noon.
Prekindergarten (3 years) through 2nd grade meet at Assembly first and then go to their classrooms. 3rd-12th graders go directly to their classrooms during that time.
COMMUNION SUNDAYS are held once a month and all students go to class first and then enter the sanctuary to worship, take Holy Comunion then listen to Fr. Shnork’s message for them.
There is a diverse group of offerings taught in a safe and nurturing environment.
Students will develop and enhance their relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Church, through living and reflecting the teachings of the Gospel in accordance with the canons and traditions of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church. Strands that are taught include: Saint, Sacraments, Life of Christ, the stories from the Bible, learning about the Badarak, and Prayer.
Lessons are taught in English, however, there is support given to those children who speak Armenian.
Education begins at home, however Sunday School gives children the opportunity to learn with other children in the Armenian Orthodox Church.
For clarification or questions please contact
Registration and Opening Day
September 8, 2024
2024-25 Registration Form (pdf)
17231 Sherman Way LAKE BALBOA, CALIFORNIA 91406
(818) 344-4860
Saint Peter Armenian Church - 2025 All Rights Reserved.